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Who should sign up?

Building is designed to add measurable value for every stakeholder of a building. No matter what or where you're building, we're here to help.

Individual investors

Gain access to real estate deals that are currently reserved for the wealthy and institutions. Buy shares in vetted properties with ease.

Institutional investors

Move large amounts of capital into tokenized trophy real estate to gain liquidity, greater transparency, and participate in DeFi.

Non-U.S. investors

Invest in U.S. commercial real estate with trust and peace of mind. Earn income and trade shares on an intuitive, localized platform.

Real estate owners & developers

Raise capital faster, automate tasks, receive preferential accounting treatment, and strengthen your property's underwriting.

Asset & wealth managers

Manage large portfolios with ease using AI-supported tools and liquid, tokenized financial assets. Rebalance faster and smoother.

Property stakeholders

View a "golden copy" of property data and stay informed about project updates. Add validity to the handoff of your documentation.

DeFi investors

Invest across blockchains and in yield-bearing properties. Purchase tokens that are compliant, stronger investments, and de-risked.

DeFi lenders

Our security tokens are backed by data-driven real estate, providing utmost confidence in your lending decisions.